
About Us

Oh the places we’ll go…

Perhaps it was an itch we had that we just couldn’t scratch. You know…like when society tries to tell you what you’re “supposed to do,” but deep down you know you’re destined to do more than just conform to societal norms?! Omaha. Denver. Seattle. Indianapolis. Four women, one mission: Make it a priority to see the world, do good, and leave things just a little better than we found them.

Some may call it a vacation, but we travel lovers know it’s more than that. It’s an obsession or perhaps even an infatuation. A feeling that nothing else can replicate. A bond which cannot be broken. We’re forever traveling, exploring, and stepping outside our comfort zone. We’re Forever Unsettled…xoxo

Chelsea, Courtney, Teresa

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The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering...


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- Laetitia C


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– Sara & Tom


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— Adriana B


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- Erica

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